The Difficult Airway App Version 2.1 Now Available
Airway Management Education Center is pleased to announce the release of the newest version of The Difficult Airway App™ for iPhone.
The Difficult Airway App™ is an essential tool for clinicians who manage emergency airways in the Emergency Department, ICU, in-patient unit or EMS environments. This app guides users quickly and easily through key algorithms and predictors of a difficult airway. It also features a drug dosing calculator – guiding the selection of RSI drugs and automatically adjusting doses for body habitus and qualitative blood pressure. The app also features pediatric RSI dosing and equipment selection using the Broselow-Luten color system or child’s estimated weight.
Updates for version 2.1 bring The Difficult Airway App™ fully in-line with the Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management, 5th edition (Brown CA, Sakles, JC, Mick NW eds., 2017) which will be available late next month.
“An important part of our mission is to support the clinicians who manage airways often under very stressful conditions,” states Calvin A. Brown, III, MD, National Course Director of The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™ and lead app contributor. “This app is a great tool to guide RSI drug selection & dosing. It’s also an easy way to refresh your memory about airway assessment & decision-making before your next difficult airway. ”
The Difficult Airway App™ is available in the iTunes App Store. Learn more about the app at
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