Please direct all inquiries to:  Kaymen Barber
Email: Kaymen.Barber@karlstorz.com   Phone:  (424) 218-8100 x 8307

KARL STORZ offers a complete portfolio of products that simplify airway management. The C-MAC® platform can accommodate video laryngoscopes, video intubation scopes, fiber-optic intubation scopes, and optical stylets on a single video platform. All scopes and laryngoscopes are available in neonatal, pediatric and adult sizes.  The latest additions are the C-MAC® Pocket Monitor — a compact video laryngoscope, the FIVE – Flexible Intubation Video Endoscope, and the C-MAC® S – Single Use video laryngoscope. The Brite Blades™ with LED technology are known as the brightest and most durable standard laryngoscopes on the market. For those who require a single use standard laryngoscope, the LARYNGOBLOC®, with a unique one-piece blade and handle design, reduces the risk of cross contamination. The addition of the C-CAM™ camera head converts any standard eyepiece flexible intubation scope or optical stylet into a video device within the C-MAC® platform. The C-HUB® is an interfacing device, enabling images to be routed from the C-CAM™, C-MAC® video laryngoscopes or any KARL STORZ based video endoscope, to any monitor, integrated OR, or computer.
One Company – All Solutions


C-MAC® Video Laryngoscope


C-MAC® Single Use Video Laryngoscope

C-MAC® Pocket Monitor


C-MAC® Flexible Intubation Video Scopes


C-CAM™ and C-HUB®


Video Stylet and BONFILS Optical Stylet


Flexible Fiberoptic Intubation Scopes



BRITE BLADE™ – Re-usable Laryngoscopes